It has almost been a week since my last offering, and to the 3 people who care I apologize. I have an excuse. The plate is full. We are running three operations out of this house, all real estate related, and I am preparing to help my brother in his business. None of this would be possible without the heroic assistance of my wife, who, when she is not tending to one of the three little ones or my mother or her parents has been webmaster of my real estate site, secretary, accountant, marketing coordinator, cook, and domestic goddess. She is using her MBA more now as a "housewife" than she did at Samsung.
About my brother: He has recently started chemotherapy for lymphoma, and has begun an online journal over at blogger. The name of the blog is "Tom Faranda's Folly." I will blogroll him immediately and predict that it will be about a week before he blows my doors off in readership. Please do check it out.
Sadly, two of my siblings have been diagnosed with the c-word in the last 2 years. Tom has been non symptomatic until recently, and Paul was about to get one of my kidneys 2 winters ago when we found he had renal cell cancer. This was devastating, because it meant that he had to be clear of cancer for 5 years and remain on dialysis. He has been clear for some time, but we have a ways to go and challenges abound for him.
That's a sad situation to deal with, but you've got the family support and moral foundation to do so. Our prayers will be with Tom and Paul. Now, more than ever: Go Yanks!
Posted by: Andrew | September 22, 2005 at 12:45 AM