It is clear to me that the only reason Maureen Dowd continues to have a job at the NY Times is because she tells the limousine liberals exactly what they want to hear. Unemployment is down to 4.9%? Maureen will excavate something to make them feel better. Elections in Iraq? Ol' Mo will type something to piss on it. Bad news? Oh, that is when she's at her best:
W. drove his budget-cutting Chevy to the levee, and it wasn't dry. Bye, bye, American lives.
Too bad she missed her chance to shoehorn "lie" in there. It would have rhymed. She goes on the repeat the same old tired far left rantings, such as that money being spent in Iraq should have been spent on levees. Mo may have cut her teeth in DC, but she knows nothing of Louisiana politics. When I lived in New Orleans in the early 90's, the few conservatives in city government lamented that funds needed to go toward services, like paying cops and repairing infrastructure, were being spent on a casino.
The tragedy on the Gulf Coast is larger in raw magnitude than 9/11 by a multiple of 10 and likely far more. At least then the American Left displayed the decency to wait a week before they politicized it. Maureen the spinster and Paul Krugman should put a sock in it, write a check, and wait for the dead to be found and buried before they pursue their chosen vocation of hate mongering, at least where the aftermath of Katrina is concerned.
We could have had nobody in Iraq. That doesn't mean that the National Guard would have magically arrived sooner than they did. Local government was far less prepared for this than the Feds. Gov. Blanco has not distinguished herself, the mayor of New Orleans is worse.
Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00
'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
Should we blame Bush for not driving the buses to the 9th ward himself?