In an hour, Terri Schiavo will be at the 24 hour point of her death by dehydration/starvation sentence imposed by Judge Greer. I have dehydrated for wrestling. Try going 24 hours without drinking anything and then preach to me about the right to die.
Here are some links that shed some light on the story and cast long shadow on Michael Schiavo.
- Fr. Ron Johansen on National Review Online has a tremendous back story on the utter neglect given to Terri at Michael's behest.
- Caosblog has a News10 TV clip on a doctor who offered to examine Terri because he saw some hope. He was refused. What he says will break your heart. There is no current permalink, but Caos has the story on fixed on top for a period of time.
- The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation has some enlightening links that address many of the myths and misinformation being spread by a MSM that is regurgitating the same AP/Reuters garbage whenever they report on this.
- Blogs For Terri is virtually live blogging up to the minute information about legislative and judicial developments, as well as things you can do if you are local.
- If you feel that Judge Greer should be impeached, you can sign an online petition.
I was told to go and "euthanized myself" by a nice open-minded person on the Say Anything blog who later offered a link to a CT Scan done on Terri early on. Pro-death people who fancy themselves as part of the so-called "reality based community" are living proof that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. The CT Scan is insufficient to make enough of a diagnosis to kill this woman. An MRI and PET Scan are basics that were refused by Michael Schiavo because he's got the outcome he wants already.
Much has been made of the fact that Michael Schiavo has refused a million dollars to release Terri to her parents' care. What good would any amount of money be if it resulted in the possible truth about Michael Schiavo being exposed?
Again, go 24 hours without drinking anything. Then talk to me about how Terri will gracefully fade away.
As a mother and a thinking, caring human - I'm so horrified by this situation. Apparently, according to a doctor I heard speak, similar scenarios happen all the time. Maybe. And if other people in non-vegatative states (eye movement, tears, smiles...) are being taken off - not just life support, but food and water due to an errant husband's word as the mother and father who gave birth to her have no control - well, then our society has a long way to go.
Unless her request to die, if ever in this situation, is in writing and notarized, the request of her parents should be upheld.
Posted by: Michele | March 19, 2005 at 02:02 PM